Maintaining good oral health whether at the office or working from home

Oral health tips

Nowadays, many of our daily routines have changed. Make sure your new routines incorporate looking after your good oral and overall health.”

Whether you are at the office or working from home, here are some tips to help keep you and your pearly whites healthy:

Brush two times and floss daily Avoid sticky sweets
Eat a well balanced, tooth-friendly diet Limit alcohol and avoid tobacco
Keep your toothbrush clean and dry Exercise for at least 30 minutes
Wash your hands often and for at least 20 seconds Do not touch your face

Brush two times and floss daily
Eat a well balanced, tooth-friendly diet
Keep your toothbrush clean and dry
Wash your hands often and for at least 20 seconds
Avoid sticky sweets
Limit alcohol and avoid tobacco
Exercise for at least 30 minutes
Do not touch your face

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