Summer hours

Through Friday, August 30, 2024: Customer Service hours will be 8:00 AM - 6:30 PM ET Monday through Thursday and 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM ET on Friday.

To view benefit information and claim status at any time, you can sign into your account or use our Interactive Voice Response System 24/7 at 800-452-9310.

Why Dental Benefits?

6 Reasons Every Company Needs Them

number 1  Oral health is a critical to overall health.

Poor oral health is linked to increased risk for diseases like heart disease, diabetes and birth defects.

number 3  Dental benefits encourage people to see the dentist.

Without benefits, people often skip preventive care – which increases the risk of developing painful oral health problems.

number 5  Improving oral health reduces overall health costs

Routine dental visits help detect and treat problems early, before they escalate to more costly procedures.

number 2 Most oral diseases can be prevented.

Regular dental exams and cleanings, combined with routine brushing and flossing at home, help keep the mouth healthy.

number 4 Dental benefits may reduce absenteeism and increase productivity.

Americans lose more than 164 million hours of work each year due to dental disease. Poor oral health can affect both work and school performance.

number 6 Employees care a lot about dental benefits.

In one survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, more than two-thirds said they are an extremely or very important part of their overall compensation package. Dental benefits contribute to recruiting and retention efforts.